Saturday 20 August 2011

Words from wise people

Once I asked a wise friend:
"I don’t understand this: before we were together I dreamed about her every night. When we got together I barely dreamed about her. And now that we've broken up I dream about her every night, again. Why?"
They replied: " That’s because you were living your dream."


“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."

-Neil Gaiman


This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once; seize them. Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating. Live your dream, and wear your passion. Life is short.

Be inspired.


Wednesday 2 February 2011

Om nom nom

This pretty much sums up what Cyclone Yasi thinks of the North Queensland coast.
Yasi is over 600km wide, category 5 and is potentially the most dangerous system to cross the Queensland coast in recent generations. And I'm here, on my pretty MacBook, writing about it. Because that's what I do. =P

Check that shiz out:

And in comparison with Tracy ('74) and Larry ('06)

We're in for some pretty wild weather!

Stay safe,

Tuesday 14 September 2010

I missed you muchly!

Hey there, Blogspot! Haven't seen you round for a while!

So, E.J has much news since her last post. However, she is totally not going to have enough time to cover it all in this post. So the following few posts will follow on, until we finally meet the present. =]

I passed my block subject at uni, and have started (and am now half-way though) my first semester. I am taking four subjects. They are all special in their own ways. I'm taking Business Data Analysis, Conceptual Modeling (database design and implementation), Introduction to Programming 2 (using Java), and, wait for it... Drumroll... IT Fundamentals. Yes. That is an introduction to Information Technology. In my IT degree. This is a core subject. So I can't get out of it. lol. We spent the first two weeks learning how to use MS Word. I got 82% on the mid semester, without even laying a finger on the textbook. haha.

Other than that, uni is fun. I enjoy it. It's like school again. And I love school. lol.

And, now E.J has to go. She needs to get her hair all chopped off.
Tune in next time for our latest installment of E.J's Adventures, featuring her 18th birthday! (and no, this is not in chronological order, unfortunately. I just realised that. haha)


Tuesday 22 June 2010


I am currently in the process of listening to a screencast. Yes, I should be watching it, but I've already seen it once today. lol

Yesterday was my first day at Uni. Started up with a block subject. When one's first day at a new place happens to fall during uni holidays, there definitely is a lack of people to ask for directions. JCU is huge. I never needed a map to navigate my highschool. On the upside, the vast majority of campus has wifi coverage. =]

So I've started a block for CP1200. There are fifteen people in this subject, and only two of which are female. It's quite different, especially after attending a girls' school for five years. Haha. We're watching screencasts, instead of attending actual lectures. I don't mind. I do like being able to pause them. Especially when I feel like checking Facebook. Lol!

In other news, I shall be turning 18 in three weeks. Yes, that means I will be spending the majority of my day at uni, studying furiously for my final exam, which happens to fall three days later, on the sixteenth. Oh well. Not like I was planning on going out or anything! =P

Must get some sleep,


Monday 31 May 2010

Work vs Prison

IN PRISON... You spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell. AT WORK. You spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle. IN PRISON... You get three meals a day. AT WORK. You only get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it. IN PRISON... You get time off for good behavior. AT WORK. You get rewarded for good behavior with more work. IN PRISON... A guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you. AT WORK. You must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself. IN PRISON... You can watch TV and play games. AT WORK. You get fired for watching TV and playing games. IN PRISON... You get your own toilet. AT WORK. You have to share. IN PRISON... They allow your family and friends to visit. AT WORK. You cannot even speak to your family and friends. IN PRISON... All expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required. AT WORK. You get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. IN PRISON... You spend most of your life looking through bars from the inside wanting to get out. AT WORK. You spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars. IN PRISON... There are wardens who are often sadistic. AT WORK. They are called supervisors. IN PRISON... You have unlimited time to read e-mail jokes. AT WORK. You get fired if you get caught.

Thursday 1 April 2010

April Fools..

Ha, very funny. My sister Holly logged onto deviantART this evening, and told me someone had changed her profile picture. On further inspection, it appeared that everyone's pictures had been changed, along with their signatures. "Do you think it's a glitch?" she asked. I asked her if she recalled what today's date was. Yes, it so happens that today is the one day of the year during which everyone attempts to trick, fool or joke with the vast majority. I generally don't, but do enjoy witnessing the large-scale pranks pulled on the wider community by Internet giants such as Google, who a few years back, claimed to have developed a technology entitled 'Google MentalPlex, which will supposedly read one's thoughts, and conduct a google search accordingly, and YouTube, who one year turned all hosted video clips upside down for the day, and this year gave users the option to view clips in 'text mode'. deviantART, on the other hand, has decided to change all users profile pictures and signature text to something either Twilight or Lady Gaga related. My profile pic is now a GIF image from New Moon, depicting Jakob transforming into a werewolf, with overlaying text that reads 'Team Jakob', and my signature reads 'Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?'. Well played, deviantART, well played.

Until next time,


PS, Google MentalPlex can be acessed here:

Tuesday 9 March 2010

What would your perfect day look like?

It would involve not being stuck in the house all day...

Ask me anything

What are you most excited about right now?

Potentially having a job. I need to get out of the house!

Ask me anything

Sunday 15 November 2009

Grad tomorrow...

I've always wondered why it takes my blogs so long to transfer over and post to Facebook. (I've got my Facebook linked to my Blogspot, so that it updates my FB notes with whatever I post in here.) I mean, I post them, and it takes like, five hours to process and update my Notes. Weird. It's not like I'm mailing it to my

Grad is tomorrow. It doesn't appear to be real yet. I still feel like a little kid inside.
Will update tomorrow.

Monday 9 November 2009

What Religion is your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department of a Sears and shyly walked up
to the woman behind the counter and said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife" "What type of bra?" asked the clerk.

"Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type?"

"Look around," said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable. "Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from. "

Relieved, the man asked about the types.

The saleslady replied: "There are the Catholic, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian, and the Baptist types. Which one would you prefer?"

Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them.

The Saleslady responded, "It is all really quite simple...

The Catholic type supports the masses.

The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen,

The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and

The Baptist makes mountains out of mole hills. "

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes? If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed. {A} Almost Boobs {B} Barely there. {C} Can't Complain! {D} Dang! {DD} Double dang! {E} Enormous! {F} Fake. {G} Get a Reduction. {H} Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!

And ... don't forget the German bra:


Sunday 8 November 2009

Dance Practice and Poetry

So grad is in eight days. Today the father and I went for our compulsory dance lessons at school. 'Twas quite an epic fail. The poor dance instructor seriously underestimated how uncoordinated I actually

I'm currently trying to finish my ICT. However, this is proving to be quite difficult, since Movie Maker doesn't want to be friends with my AVIs. =\

I found an old poem of mine the other day. Thought I'd post it. It's entitled 'Daddy, Can I...?'

I promise always to do my chores
And on time I'll go to bed.
I promise my excessive noise
Won't spin circles round your head.

I promise always to fold the washing
And sweep and mop the floors.
I promise always to empty the bin
And remember to shut the doors.

I promise always to try my hardest
And keep striving towards my goals.
I promise to put my best foot forward
And take life as it rolls.

I know I'm sometimes silly,
Psycho, energetic and loud.
But when it comes to the end of the day,
I promise I'll make you proud.

Until next time,

Sunday 25 October 2009

One week...

Hi all,
Wow, the end is so near now, it's scary!
I have one week left of classes. This whole end of school thing is really starting to freak me out. I still remember my first day in yr 8, plain as day. It just seems to all be happening too soon. I like school far too much for it to be ending now. lol


Thursday 20 August 2009

A month of firsts

It's beginning to sink in. 11 weeks until I graduate. Writing it down still doesn't make seem any more real, though. I am so very tired. I spent the vast majority of last night laying tracks for my music composition. It actually sounded alright in the end. =]
I began the tedious process of applying for uni the other day. So far, I've only applied for the scholarship in Sydney, through UAC. But I now have to put in other applications, in case I don't get accepted into the scholarship program.

Also, I am now older than I was when I last blogged. Yeah yeah, I know I'll be older than I was when I last blogged EVERY time I blog, but I've had a birthday. And I'm now 17! Just because I've physically grown up doesn't mean I have to grow up inside. Remember, you're only as young as you feel. And if I feel like a child, then I am a child. I believe that childhood is something that shouldn't be 'dropped out of' at a young age, it's something that needs time. I believe that people should be able to be children inside for as long as they feel the need to. Once they are ready to progress, then they will!

So I'm 17. The family bought me new headphones. Becca gave me ridiculously expensive chocolate and Emily gave me a book all about Robert Pattinson. Who just happens to be my most favourite person in the universe. [\sarcasm]
I was like, "Holly, Emily bought you a present!"
Nah, but it was funny.

Got my report card the other day. I got my first A+! =D It was for ICT, and so I was happy with that. =]

I also did some dressage the other day, and got my first 8/10 score! It has been a month of firsts.

Holly smashed her ankle three weeks ago. She compund fractured her tibia in three places, and fractured her fibula. BamBam fell on her in the paddock. That'll teach her!

Anyway I can't be bothered writing any more.


Thursday 9 July 2009

Boredom Blogging...

When I'm bored, I blog. That's about it. So, being the school holidays and all, I have plenty to blog about. Or maybe I'm just really bored. Either way, I have nothing better to do at the moment.
It's my birthday in four days. My parents asked me what I wanted. I said nothing. I don't really want anything in particular. Tomorrow I'm having a few friends around for a little party thing... We're going to ride the pony and play pin the tail on the sibling, and that sorta stuff... So I tidied my room-again. This time I found a photo album, so I put all the photos I printed the other day in it. Yayness for 15 cents per print at Big W!
I still have a Biology assignment to write at some stage before the end of the holidays, so that should be fun. We fed vegetables salty water and recorded how long it took for them to die... They died pretty quickly. So we don't have much in the way of results. But I'm sure I'll make something up. I remember last time I submitted a draft for Biology, he told me it was strung together very well, and sounded right, I just needed in-text references. I told him that it was hard to put in many more references, since the info had all come from the top of my head. It was then when he told me that I just needed references to back up my information, not ones that re-stated my exact sentence, or the like. So I learned something. If only he had told me that last year...haha
I'm now sitting here, at my desk, for a change, wondering what to write now. I have no idea. I'm really tired, and so I believe I will leave this blog there.


Friday 3 July 2009

One more semester of school...

SO it occurred to me the other day that I've just finished the second last semester of my schooling. Which in turn means that I have one more semester left of school ever. I don't like that thought...
Did some showjumping the other weekend... I came 4th overall... Out of four. lol
I fell at the last jump in the first round, cos there was (according to Bonza) this massive scary piece of white plastic (the kind that's used in roadworks, the big plastic dividers) under the jump. So we were eliminated. Yay!
The second round, we managed to pull it together and placed 1st. Eat that, Holly, you only came 2nd last round! (Admittedly, I didn't come anything in the last round, hence I was eliminated, but still, lol) You see, when it comes to competition, my sister and I aren't competing against anyone other than ourselves. In the third round, we pretty much were owned by everyone else. I came 4th and Holly came 3rd. Placing myself 4th and Holly 3rd overall. lol

In other news, I've (not so) recently covered one of Mika's new songs from his limited edition EP entitled 'Songs for Sorrow', called 'Toy Boy'. You can watch it here:

I've also decided to apply for a scholarship at the University of Technology, Sydney. It's a Bachelor of Information Technology, and I'm really hoping to get in!

This is a cooperative education scholarship program in computer information systems, developed by UTS in cooperation with a group of private and public sector employers. It differs from other cooperative education courses in that, during the industry-based semesters, students follow a structured program designed jointly by UTS and the employer group, including formal coursework delivered by industry.

This intensive course includes two six-month industry placements with different industry sponsors. Industry sponsors are heavily involved in the curriculum design to ensure graduates are not only highly qualified but also have the knowledge and skills relevant to the needs of industry.

Students normally secure graduate employment before completion of the course, which has a track record of 100 per cent employment. Sponsors actively recruit graduates from the course but students are not obliged to take up employment with a sponsor.

It's starting to get quite cool in Townsville at the moment. I rarely leave the house without my jumper! If I end up getting the scholarship in Sydney, I'm positive I will FREEZE!

The latest that has been on my mind involves a certain piece of paper which I, and most other students recieve twice a year. Yes, my report card. I'm ridiculously obsessed with recieving those in the post. I don't really know why... It's not like I ever get bad reports, I just like looking at the comments and my marks! lol, nerdy.

Also, just so you know, as of today, there is ten more days until I turn 17. Am inviting some friends around for a little party thing...

And that's about it!


Thursday 11 June 2009

Productive Production

So production is over. I had such a good time. And I actually spoke to people who weren´t Emily or Becca. Yay for me! =D
Ridiculousness over, I reckon that participating in this has really been good for my confidence. Parents came to see the show on opening night, and said that I was looking down too much. They also commented on my lack of willingness to be associated with my husband. But the latter was mutual. And partly a stupid joke. =]

So anyways, I decided to lift my game and find some confidence. Dad came to see the show on the last night again, and said that I´d improved. Yay.
The only part I didn´t particularly like was the fact that they piled on so much makeup it wasn´t funny. And they didn´t have foundation pale enough for my skin, so Becca came and assisted me in purchasing some. It cost me like, $15, but it was better than the orange stuff they gave me to start with...

After we´d put on our smexy costumes and caked ourselves in makeup, we went for warmup. During this, we sang a song about our heads having a likeness to a pingpong ball, gave each other ´energy´ and danced the hokey pokey.

During the show, we had some quite interesting discussions side stage and made an alarming discovery in relation to the inflatable goat we had for a prop. It appears that the goat was in fact an adult toy. Needless to say, we were all both shocked, yet amused at this. We made it our mission to find out who the prop actually belonged to. However, we failed the mission. I told Julian (my husband) that I was sure it had his name on it. He denied any association with it whatsoever. And so the goat mystery was left there.

We then went onstage to actually perform, since that was the reason we were actually there. I don´t think that there was one performance in which I actually didn´t stuff up the dance. But I didn´t audition for the production because I could dance...
We then stood backstage and reenacted the scenes we weren´t onstage in with a friend of Emily´s named Sam. Sam, like most male specimens I have come into contact with, was a strange boy, who insisted that he was afraid of me. Though he didn´t act like it. I was like, okay...? lol

Emily and my new buddy Zoe intelligently brought their cameras along. We took many images, and the smallest of group photos turned into whole cast shots...
If I wasn´t at school, watching a movie in Religion, I would post some of these images. I will do so at a later date.

Whilst on the subject of school, might I mention that today is my last day of lessons for the term. I now have a week and a half of exam block, including two days of QCS prac, and then yr 12 retreat.

Must go now, bell has rang


Sunday 17 May 2009

Yellow Skirts and FireWire Cables

I wrote this one around a fortnight ago, and never got around to posting it...

So yesterday I went to musical rehearsal, as you do, and I was given a lufferly yellow skirt to wear for the show. It is, as I mentioned in the last sentence, yellow. Which is not the most flattering colour on myself, but I reckon it's cool. More than likely because I don't actually own any other skirts...heh.

And then today, Becca ('Swine Flu', since she had a cold) and I went to Endos to get more costume stuff. After loosing and then finding Bec's purse and walking up and down the street several times to find somewhere that would allow us to use eftpos to get cash out, since the one in Endos was broken, we left with coats and head scarves. We then proceeded to walk to stockland, but got lazy half way and caught the bus for convenience. In stockoland, we wandered around looking for tights that weren't black or white. Finally, we found nice hot pink ones in supre (kill me now), and then proceeded to leave. I decided I wanted a drink, and so went back to Woolies, and then got lost, as per usual. After I found the exit, I caught the bus home with a bunch of rowdy peeps from the tech college, and once home, showed off my purchases.

The next day, I decided to once more search for my FireWire cable, which had been missing for around two and a half months. Miraculously, I found it! It was behind my piano!
This discovery fully made my day, and I then proceeded to upload all my video footage to my PC.


Friday 1 May 2009

Pinch and a punch...

Yep, a new month again. I haven't really had much time to blog of late... how sad.
But now it's a lovely Friday night, and what better to do than to blog?
So I've started riding a bit more, and competed twice last week. I did the MHPC official dressage day, and the secondary schools dressage and hacking comp. At the dressage day, I placed 7th overall, and was beaten by my little sister by 2% and two places in both tests. How humbling... lol
But she's been riding more than I've been, so she deserved it.
At the schools comp, Bonza looked gorgeous, but was an absolute brat. In my dressage, we halted at C, in front of the judges. When it was time to walk on again, Bonza blatantly refused to move. Talk about frustrating! And I couldn't even verbally encourage him to move without risk of disqualification... So I encouraged him with my I don't like using the whip though. I usually just carry it to scare him into behaving. He was probably tired though.
In that test, we placed 9th, with a really terrible percentage around the 49 mark... I don't think we've done that terribly since we first started doing some novice!

In the hacking, we were rejected in every class, which was what I expected, but it was nonetheless disappointing. I've decided that I'm gonna start my own competition, with a class for those people who try really hard and put in heaps of effort, and STILL aren't getting anywhere...

I was also rostered on for work at 4pm the same arvo as schools comp. But I had this maths assignment to complete. So I was temporarily sick... *cough*

Made it to school in time to submit said assignment, only to find that the teacher was absent. Yay. I could've made an extra $40 had I known she wouldn't be present to collect my assignment...

I also got my mark back from my 'Death byPoetry' oral. I got a B. Better than the C+ from the Shakespeare monologue fromm last term, but not quite up to my B+ standard in Engligh.

Whilst we're on the subject of marks, I got my semester one report card over the holidays.

In Religion, I got a 'Good' for behaviour, and a 'Good' for application, in English, I got a 'Very Good', and a 'Very Good', Maths I got a 'Very Good' and a 'Good', Biology I got a 'Good' and a 'Good', ICT I got a 'Very Good' and a 'Very Good', Music I got a 'Very Good' and a 'Very Good', and in History, I got a 'Very Good' and a 'Good'.

Overall, I was pleased. I was exceptionally surprised at the 'Good's in Biology. As far as I was concerned, I was getting 'Satisfactory's for that. Or at least, that's what I would've given myself...

Today I handed in this massive Biology assignment. It was 14 pages long. And painful. But the school has a colour printer now, which makes it oh so much better. =P

Also today, we got our lufferly Senior Jerseys. Yay for year 12 ish-ness. =]
If it wasn't so late, I would've taken a picture. It's way biger than I expected, so I'm now refering to it as my 'senior dress'. But I like it. It smells new. =]

Musical tickets went on sale on Monday, and it's all starting to come together now. We just need to block the rest of act two, and then polish it right up. I have a stack of posters I'm supposed to put up, but haven't gotten around to doing so yet. I'll scan one. =]

Anyways, must catch up on all the sleep I lost thanks to Biology last night,

Monday 6 April 2009

Bonza vs Musical

So, it's a new month. And has been for six days.

A big Happy Birthday shoutout to my youngest cousin, James, who turned three on Saturday!
I hear his mum gave him a super party. =]

I am now facing a difficult task- dividing my spare time between Bonza and Musical. I've already missed one comp this year due to rehearsal, and I don't really want to miss too many, since the dressage ones are coming up soon. On the other hand, I'm enjoying musical, apart from the fact that I have to deal with a weirdo kid who happens to be two years younger than me for a husband in the show. He insists on 'using the force', in order to dance me to my position, rather than sticking with the conventional 'holding hands' thing, and has a strange obsession with machine guns. I'm okay with the no-touchy thing, but you have to be sensible at some stage. We're putting on a show. And the characters that we happen to be portraying don't 'use the force' or uphold the no-touchy policy.

I rode Bonza the other day. He was a good boy, keeping a nice rhythm, and beginning to come round when I asked him. We didn't get anywhere with leg yielding, but that'll come with more work. Overall, I was proud of him.

The next day (Saturday), I decided to play in the gully mud with Bonza and film it. And so I did. But when I got back up to the house to transfer it to my PC, I couldn't find my firewire cable! Argh! And we only have one of them! I hope dad hasn't put it somewhere... half of his office is in large black industrial boxes in the back room for some reason..

Anyways, must go now. Dinner is awaiting me. =]

Monday 30 March 2009


So, right now I'm posting from my brand new eeePC that the school has issued to all year 11 and 12 students. ItÅ› pretty cool, but itÅ› also really tiny. The keys are so small that I´m having trouble typing!
Our school is povo, and decided that they´d put a free operating system on them, rather than paying for licensing, so we are using Ubuntu, which is a Linux based open source operating system.

Must go now, school is calling,

Sunday 22 March 2009

Long time, no blog!

Wow, it's been more than a week since I've blogged! Weird!
So I went down to Sydney for the Ben Lee gig. It was really good! We got there at quarter to nine, and got our door passes. Mum then wanted to walk away and wait until 9. But I was like, no, I want to queue. lol
So we started the 'people with door passes' queue. Which then meant that I got to go in first!
So I got front row centre. =P
Mum was like, don't you want to be near the piano? I was like, what? She's like, well if he plays piano, isn't that where he's gonna be? I was like, he plays I think she was thinking of Mika...
So when Ben finally showed up, he played a ten or so song set. It was cool, although it appeared that I was the only one who knew the words to his songs...
The set was as follows, in what I hope is the correct order...haha

- I Love Pop Music
- Numb
- Love Me Like The World Is Ending
- I'm A Woman Too
- Kids (MGMT cover)
- Yoko Ono
- Cigarettes Will Kill You
- Whatever It Is
- Catch My Disease
- Song For The Divine Mother Of The Universe

- Ben Lee (The Ataris cover)

He then proceeded to leave, but stopped to sign autographs for everyone. So I got one on the back of my door pass, which I am far too lazy to scan and post.

I also found some pics online which I am in.I'm next to the girl in the maroon shirt, and mum's next to me.

I'm biting my fingernail in this

After that, we went back to our hotel, played on the internet and went to sleep.
The next day, we went out shopping in Sydney. I was thoroughly opposed to this idea, but mum said we could go back and have another look at the apple store, so I went. It was so weird! there was a woolies that had three floors! And then there was that supré store, and it had 5 levels! SCARY!
And then we caught the train to Wollongong, and visited family. The stupid guy at the ticket desk said my student ID wasn't valid in NSW, cos it's a QLD ID card... =\

So we visited family, and had fun and I made cookies and no-one ate them cos apparently my cooking isn't safe...

And then we went home.

It was a good trip.

In other news, I got a new notebook mouse yesterday. It's tiny!

Anyways, must go now. English draft is waiting.

Monday 9 March 2009

Off to Sydney!

So the other day, I got this email from Dew Process. It read as follows:

Hi there

Congratulations, you are one of 20 lucky people who have been placed on the door list for Ben Lee’s iTunes Live From Sydney show on Tuesday! You and a guest will need to be at the below location no later than 8:45pm on Tuesday. Please let us know if you can’t make the show – we’ve been inundated with requests, so we have lots of fans eager to fill your place if you can’t make it.

Ben Lee iTunes Live From Sydney – Tuesday 10th March
Show at 9pm, please be there no later than 8:45pm
Apple Store
367 George St
Entry restricted to yourself and one guest

Awesome! (If I lived in Sydney...)

I had actually forgotten that I'd entered this competition, and more than likely entered purely for the sake of it. However, I showed mum, and she (amazingly) agreed to let me go!

I didn't actually think she would let me travel interstate during the week, in the middle of the school term to see a concert. But here I am, packed and ready to go!

We're staying until sunday, since there weren't any flights back until then. Yay for family time!!
I'm gonna bake cookies! lol

Must resume packing,

Friday 6 March 2009

Cyclone (again)

It seems that we are beginning every month with a new cyclone warning. lol

This one is named Hamish, and it is considerably larger than it's predecessor, Ellie.
Hamish is currently cat. 2, and is predicted to become cat. 3 by 10pm tonight.
So therefore, dad has decided to compile a new cyclone pack. It currently contains spam and long-life milk.

In other news, I am currently wearing two watches. A pink one, and a blue one. Just because I can. I can't see anywhere in the uniform policy that says that we can only wear one watch. So I wore two.

Must leave now, school must go on.

Saturday 28 February 2009

OMG! Sun!!

Would you look at that. There is sun outside!
How immensely awesome!
I might take Bonza out for a ride today! =D
Wouldn't that be nice. =]

The other day, I tried out for musical (see previous post).
Yesterday, I found out that all but two from our school were rejected for callbacks for lead roles.
I was not one of the two. lol
But, I suppose they couldn't really take that many people, since there are actually only two lead female roles in this musical anyways. The narrator and Mrs. Pottifer, who tries to seduce Joseph. "Come lay with me, Joseph..."
Oh yeah, they used hardcore language in the bible...
Okay... I didn't really want that part anyways... bit creepy for my liking...
But Becca, Ashleigh and I still might get into the chorus. Emily got a callback, but she's under the impression that she sucked. I know she didn't. Her vocal ability owns my vocal ability.
I reckon she'll get a lead. Even if she gets that perverse lady...

In other news, at work the other day, some guy came in, and he had a striking French accent.
I know this wouldn't normally count as news, but I'm currently obsessed with France and the French language for some reason.

Also, the other day at work, we had no air conditioning. I swear, I nearly died.
Seriously, you try working at a fast food franchise with no aircon. You melt.
They should pay us extra for putting up with that.

Anyways, must go now,

Wednesday 25 February 2009


So yesterday, I decided to try out for this year's combined schools production. This year we're going to be performing a musical I had never heard of before last fortnight. it's called 'Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat." So obviously, I was a little apprehensive at the idea of auditioning for a musical I'd never heard of. However, a certain few people (Emily, Ashleigh, Becca...) decided on my behalf that I would audition. So, to try and weedle my way out of it, I told Becca that the only way I would be auditioning for any role in this musical would be if she auditioned for a lead role. I was sure she would decline the offer, and leave me to be, but I was wrong. She accepted, on the condition that I would audition for a lead with her. Which I really didn't want to do. Nonetheless, I found my audition piece on youtube, (called 'Jacob and Sons') and learned the lyrics.

When the 'big day' came along, we took the bus to Stockland (my biggest fear), got something to eat, and walked to Iggy park. The combinaion of going into Stockland and sitting across from some creepy people whom were making out on the bus had me a little nervous, but I ridded myself of all nerves with my KFC. Fast food fixes everything. =]
Once we got to the school, and had settled down in their drama room, we learned some song that's name has currenly escaped me. But it was cool. I like singing.

We then were divided into groups of five, and we had to sing that particular song in those groups to the 'judges'. Ours sucked. I couldn't remember half the words. lol

We then went and did our solo audition. This was the 'Jacob and Sons' one. The chorus to this song is quite high pitched. So it was quite difficult to sing. I could just reach the highest note.
We sang it through as a group a few times, and then we had to perform solo. Becca freaked at this point. So I held her hand. haha

She then came to her senses and told me to stop touching her. I breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran to wash the cooties off my hands. (not really)

I listened to a few of the girls sing before us. A lot of them had really good, strong voices, but they just couldn't keep the strength in the high note. Becca then decided she was going in. She sung softly, but nicely. She was under the impression that she screwed up really bad, but I didn't think so. I think that just her doing this and going out of her comfort zone marked her as a winner. I was quite proud of her. =]

After she'd gone, I went in. I decided that I didn't care any more, and I'd just go for it. And so I did. I think I did allright, although I mucked up part of the

The strange part was, I felt more nervous after I'd performed than I did in the first place... lol
But all in all, I was glad I did it.

We find out today if we've been called back in for a second audition.

In other news, I am going to work tonight. Eww, grease...
But hey, it earns me money!


Sunday 22 February 2009


So yesterday I went for my first driving lesson, despite the fact that I actually get my learners like, 6 months ago. It was much easier than I expected, although I think I spent more time on the grass than the actual
Since my parents were far to scared that I would kill them, they decided to hire a professional to take me out for the first time. Which was good, since the hour I drove counted for 3 hours in my log book, since he was an accredited driving instructor.
I nearly forgot my glasses. The instructor was like, what can you see in that mirror (the one farthest from me). I was like... umm... I can see that I forgot my glasses! Lucky we hadn't gone anywhere yet!
Contrary to my parents' fears, I did NOT kill anyone or break anything. I didn't even stall it once. Take that, mum! =P (but she still refuses to get in a car with me...)

Also yesterday, I went out to see Bonza and the others at their temporary paddock.
Bonza was filthy, so I decided to give him a nice bath. However, it was the peak of the day, and I'd spent so much effort in ensuring that my face and arms were protected form the sun, I'd forgotton all about the fact that I was wearing rather small shorts. So now I have a nice red sunburn on the backs of my legs. Ouch!

In other news, we had our senior photo at school on Thursday. It is official. Becca is the shortest person in our grade. And not just by a little, either! haha, poor Becca.
However, we short people at the front were shaded by the tall people, so being short isn't all that bad!

I have an English draft and a Religion assignment due on Tuesday, and for some strange reason, I'm feeling rather inclined to do them now... weird. I usually wait until the morning stuff is due, and write it on the bus! *tut tut* Naughty E.J...

Anyways, must be off now, I might just do my assignments!


Now playing: Mika - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) [Parc Des Princes]
via FoxyTunes

Monday 16 February 2009

New music from Mika

So yesterday, my mate (I wish...haha) Mika posted a vlog which included some snippets of music from his new album!

I was really excited to hear the development of 'Rain', which was one of the songs he's been playing live since July last year. We also heard parts from two totally new songs, one of which involved a gospel choir and the other featuring human percussion (hand-claps and the like) which was referred to as the 'Clap Clap Song'.
Check it out!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Weirder than I thought I was...

The other day I discovered that I can turn my left eye inwards, whilst keeping my right eye straight. The optometrist did say something about my eyes functioning independently, (and that's why I can't see 3d images), but I never knew I could move them independently! lol

I also have a nice picture of my shiny badge! lol

And that's it for now folks,

Now playing: The Beatles - So Happy Together
via FoxyTunes

Monday 9 February 2009

E.J's Grad Outfit

I did promise to post a pic of myself in my feed sack from the $5 formal at camp. So without further ado, here I am in what I am telling people is my grad outfit. I personally just enjoyed walking around with hay in my

Sunday 8 February 2009

How appropriate...

These pictures of Mika from 'Good Morning America' in 2007 provide a surprisingly accurate representation of my feelings towards the weather at the moment. Thought I'd share. =]


In other news, I probably should be reading my Shakespeare play (The Taming of the Shrew) for school, but I just can't seem to get motivated. Hopefully we'll get to see the rest of the film in class tomorrow.
