Monday 6 April 2009

Bonza vs Musical

So, it's a new month. And has been for six days.

A big Happy Birthday shoutout to my youngest cousin, James, who turned three on Saturday!
I hear his mum gave him a super party. =]

I am now facing a difficult task- dividing my spare time between Bonza and Musical. I've already missed one comp this year due to rehearsal, and I don't really want to miss too many, since the dressage ones are coming up soon. On the other hand, I'm enjoying musical, apart from the fact that I have to deal with a weirdo kid who happens to be two years younger than me for a husband in the show. He insists on 'using the force', in order to dance me to my position, rather than sticking with the conventional 'holding hands' thing, and has a strange obsession with machine guns. I'm okay with the no-touchy thing, but you have to be sensible at some stage. We're putting on a show. And the characters that we happen to be portraying don't 'use the force' or uphold the no-touchy policy.

I rode Bonza the other day. He was a good boy, keeping a nice rhythm, and beginning to come round when I asked him. We didn't get anywhere with leg yielding, but that'll come with more work. Overall, I was proud of him.

The next day (Saturday), I decided to play in the gully mud with Bonza and film it. And so I did. But when I got back up to the house to transfer it to my PC, I couldn't find my firewire cable! Argh! And we only have one of them! I hope dad hasn't put it somewhere... half of his office is in large black industrial boxes in the back room for some reason..

Anyways, must go now. Dinner is awaiting me. =]

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