Thursday 20 August 2009

A month of firsts

It's beginning to sink in. 11 weeks until I graduate. Writing it down still doesn't make seem any more real, though. I am so very tired. I spent the vast majority of last night laying tracks for my music composition. It actually sounded alright in the end. =]
I began the tedious process of applying for uni the other day. So far, I've only applied for the scholarship in Sydney, through UAC. But I now have to put in other applications, in case I don't get accepted into the scholarship program.

Also, I am now older than I was when I last blogged. Yeah yeah, I know I'll be older than I was when I last blogged EVERY time I blog, but I've had a birthday. And I'm now 17! Just because I've physically grown up doesn't mean I have to grow up inside. Remember, you're only as young as you feel. And if I feel like a child, then I am a child. I believe that childhood is something that shouldn't be 'dropped out of' at a young age, it's something that needs time. I believe that people should be able to be children inside for as long as they feel the need to. Once they are ready to progress, then they will!

So I'm 17. The family bought me new headphones. Becca gave me ridiculously expensive chocolate and Emily gave me a book all about Robert Pattinson. Who just happens to be my most favourite person in the universe. [\sarcasm]
I was like, "Holly, Emily bought you a present!"
Nah, but it was funny.

Got my report card the other day. I got my first A+! =D It was for ICT, and so I was happy with that. =]

I also did some dressage the other day, and got my first 8/10 score! It has been a month of firsts.

Holly smashed her ankle three weeks ago. She compund fractured her tibia in three places, and fractured her fibula. BamBam fell on her in the paddock. That'll teach her!

Anyway I can't be bothered writing any more.
