Thursday 11 June 2009

Productive Production

So production is over. I had such a good time. And I actually spoke to people who weren´t Emily or Becca. Yay for me! =D
Ridiculousness over, I reckon that participating in this has really been good for my confidence. Parents came to see the show on opening night, and said that I was looking down too much. They also commented on my lack of willingness to be associated with my husband. But the latter was mutual. And partly a stupid joke. =]

So anyways, I decided to lift my game and find some confidence. Dad came to see the show on the last night again, and said that I´d improved. Yay.
The only part I didn´t particularly like was the fact that they piled on so much makeup it wasn´t funny. And they didn´t have foundation pale enough for my skin, so Becca came and assisted me in purchasing some. It cost me like, $15, but it was better than the orange stuff they gave me to start with...

After we´d put on our smexy costumes and caked ourselves in makeup, we went for warmup. During this, we sang a song about our heads having a likeness to a pingpong ball, gave each other ´energy´ and danced the hokey pokey.

During the show, we had some quite interesting discussions side stage and made an alarming discovery in relation to the inflatable goat we had for a prop. It appears that the goat was in fact an adult toy. Needless to say, we were all both shocked, yet amused at this. We made it our mission to find out who the prop actually belonged to. However, we failed the mission. I told Julian (my husband) that I was sure it had his name on it. He denied any association with it whatsoever. And so the goat mystery was left there.

We then went onstage to actually perform, since that was the reason we were actually there. I don´t think that there was one performance in which I actually didn´t stuff up the dance. But I didn´t audition for the production because I could dance...
We then stood backstage and reenacted the scenes we weren´t onstage in with a friend of Emily´s named Sam. Sam, like most male specimens I have come into contact with, was a strange boy, who insisted that he was afraid of me. Though he didn´t act like it. I was like, okay...? lol

Emily and my new buddy Zoe intelligently brought their cameras along. We took many images, and the smallest of group photos turned into whole cast shots...
If I wasn´t at school, watching a movie in Religion, I would post some of these images. I will do so at a later date.

Whilst on the subject of school, might I mention that today is my last day of lessons for the term. I now have a week and a half of exam block, including two days of QCS prac, and then yr 12 retreat.

Must go now, bell has rang


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